Jeff Mignault • Aug 31, 2016

Your HR team is a talented group of individuals with a lot of expertise in what they do. But they’re also busy and when it comes to talent acquisition, they may not have the time or tools to devote to the candidate search. That’s when you should call in the reinforcements to help you find the right candidates for the positions you need to fill. While you might not think you need it, there are definitely benefits to getting a helping hand from outside your company. Here are just a few of the reasons businesses will benefit from seeking assistance for talent acquisition.


Talent acquisition may not be the area of expertise for most of your HR staff, especially if your business calls on them to develop their skills in other areas. When it comes to conducting a candidate search, then, your HR staff might be capable, but they may not be up-to-date with the latest methods and trends. It’s also possible that they don’t have the best tools available to them either. All of that can lead to big trouble during the candidate search: maybe you don’t find the right candidates or maybe you aren’t finding enough people to fill all your positions. Calling on experts outside of the company can augment your HR staff’s skills, helping them expand the search by employing the latest methods and the most effective tools.


Your HR team is already busy, and you suddenly need to fill several positions or engage in a lengthy search for a candidate to fill a position in senior management that suddenly opened. What can you do in a situation like this? If HR devotes their resources to the candidate search, their other work will be neglected—which could spell big trouble. But if you don’t get these positions filled quickly, you know you’ll have a different set of problems. Outside specialists can scale up and down as you need them, which makes them a flexible addition to your regular HR staff. Whether it’s adding a number of new employees or it’s a long-term search, specialists can help you when you need them to—and not a moment too soon.


Talent acquisition is often a time-intensive undertaking, and chances are your HR staff are already contending with full schedules. That means busy professionals—like you and your HR staff—may not have time to adequately engage in the process, especially during the early stages when you could receive hundreds of applications for a single job. That can mean slow-downs and delays in the search process—a problem that becomes worse when someone leaves your company unexpectedly or when you face a sudden uptick in demand and need to fill positions quickly.

Specialists outside the company are able to devote more time to the candidate search, thus speeding up the process. That’s important when you have deadlines. It also allows you to turn over the task of sorting through applications to experts who are often better equipped to deal with a flood of resumes, while still ensuring you’re getting the best candidates.


Seeking outside help for your talent acquisition needs can also mean you tap into networks you were previously unaware of. Specialists who work in this area have a better knowledge of where you’ll find qualified candidates—and how you can reach those people, which means you’ll find better prospects. Outside experts may even surprise you by expanding your talent search into communities and spaces you would have never dreamed of looking and finding exceptional candidates in those places.

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