Jeff Mignault • Oct 13, 2017

Every company wants to boost employee engagement. They want to have strong employee relations and get the most out of their team. But most companies don’t do much to encourage engagement.

Being creative is key. Motivational speeches and performance bonuses are not the only ways to engage your team. Our HR consultants put together a number of ways you can boost employee engagement:

1. Advocate wellness

The health of your employees is important. Work can be stressful, and too much stress can have many negative effects, including less productivity and engagement. The good news is there are many ways you can promote wellness:

  • Sponsor active team events – walks and runs for charity
  • Offer healthy food and snacks at work
  • Start a walking group at lunchtime
  • Offer a wellness package
  • Offer gym memberships

Speak with your team, get them involved, and ask them how you can help them improve wellness.

2. Encourage innovation to boost employee engagement

Your employees have great ideas. Often they have ideas that management doesn’t. They approach things from a unique perspective, so why not take advantage of this great resource? Experimenting and creating a space where it is okay to make mistakes is what will help your company grow and be innovative in how you do business.

3. Promote collaboration

A collaborative environment is one that thrives. It helps employees build relationships and create a more cohesive and productive group. This approach promotes engagement, brings people together, and puts the focus on the group rather than individual accolades.

4. Ask employees to speak up

If you want your team to be more engaged, you need to communicate to them that it is okay for them to speak up. If fact, you should encourage it.

“There’s so much fear that exists in most company cultures. Employees need to feel like they have a voice and are able to express what’s on their minds. There are a few ways to do this, but again, the trick here is to remove the fear,” says Jacob Shriar from Office Vibes.

He adds, “Let employees know that it’s okay to express themselves, and that they won’t get into trouble if they do.”

Additional Tips from HR Consultants to Boost Employee Engagement & Relations

Check out these blog posts for more tips to boost employee engagement and improve your work environment:

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